metaSEM 1.5.1
- Add error and warning messages in mxsem and osmasem objects.
metaSEM 1.5.0 (2024-09-26)
- Add dataset Chan17.
- Add lbound and ubound in sem() and as.mxAlgebra().
- Add a field of citations in the Jaramillo05 dataset.
- Rename create.mxModel() to sem().
- Add osmasem2() and friends.
- Add mean data in issp05.
- Support means in Cor2DataFrame().
- Fix the means of the latent variables at 0 in lavaan2RAM().
- Add "<~" operator in lavaan2RAM().
- Fix startvalues not assigned in create.mxModel().
metaSEM 1.4.0 (2024-05-16)
- Release to CRAN.
- Revise create.mxModel().
- Replace dontrun with donttest.
metaSEM 1.3.1 (2023-08-09)
- Release to CRAN.
- Lower the tolerance in testing asyCov(), which returns an error in latest R.
metaSEM 1.3.0 (2023-01-07)
- Fix a bug reported by Noel Card that meta() reported incorrect number of statistics and dfs.
- Rewrite asyCov() and rename the old one to asyCovOld().
- Add rCor3L() and its summary method.
- Add subset.variables argument in tssem2() and wls().
- Rename meta3() to meta3L() and meta3X() and meta3LFIML().
- Fix a critical bug in create.Tau2() that uses variances as SDs.
- Add a new argument 'level' in create.Tau2().
- Add a mxModel.Args in wls().
- Add A.lbound and A.ubound arguments in create.vechsR() and osmasem().
- Add data and group arguments in calEffSizes().
- Modify Nohe15A1 and Nohe15A2.
- Add a RAM argument in impliedR() and rimpliedR() and an SmatrixSD argument in rimpliedR().
- Add a starting value argument in as.mxAlgebra().
- Teach lavaan2RAM() to recognize functions of parameters and constraints in lavaan and convert them to mxAlgebra and mxConstraint in OpenMx.
- Experimental: teach create.mxModel() to recognize mxAlgrebra and mxConstraint converted from lavaan2RAM().
metaSEM (2021-05-17)
- Release to CRAN.
- Fix a bug in an example in wls.Rd that triggers warning in R-Devel.
- Add Id, expCov, and expMean in create.mxModel().
metaSEM 1.2.5 (2020-11-29)
- Release to CRAN.
- Fix a bug in create.vechsR() with S0 argument to ensure that diagonals are 0.
- Fix a bug in create.Tau2() with the RE.type = "User" argument that incorrectly fixes all fixed parameters at 0.
- Add subset.rows argument in osmasem().
- Rename subset argument in osmasem() to subset.variables.
- Add an argument extraTries in rerun().
- Add dataset Mathieu15.
- Add calEffSizes().
- Add create.modMatrix().
- Rewrite Cor2DataFrame() to automatically append additional variables.
metaSEM 1.2.4 (2020-06-14)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add CFI and TLI in summary.osmasem().
- Rename the "Saturated" argument to "fitIndices" in summary.osmasem().
- Add "@" in the syntax of as.mxMatrix().
- Add as.mxAlgebra().
- Add as.symMatrix().
- Add an argument Jmatrix in osmasem().
- Add an argument ngroups in lavaan2RAM().
- Change the variable names in Becker92 and Becker94 so that they work better with lavaan2RAM().
metaSEM (2019-12-08)
- Release to CRAN.
- Change class(x) == "foo" to inherits(x, "foo") to avoid errors in R 4.0.0.
metaSEM 1.2.3 (2019-10-10)
- Release to CRAN.
- Fix a minor bug in lavaan2RAM() that arranges variables according to x1, x10, x2, ...
- Improve tssem1FEM() in handling missing variables.
- Replace bootstrap vcov() with OpenMx's vcov() when there are constraints in wls().
- Add a subset argument in osmasem().
- Add a plotting method for osmasem object.
- Add metaFIML().
- Add an argument autofixtau2 for tssem1REM and osmasem objects in rerun().
- Add an argument RAM=NULL in wls(), tssem2(), and uniR2mx().
- Add dataset Kalaian96.
- Add robust argument in vcov.meta(), vcov.meta3X(), vcov.osmasem(), vcov.tssem1REM(), summary.meta(), summary.meta3X(), summary.osmasem(), and summary.tssem1REM().
metaSEM 1.2.2 (2019-05-29)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add dataset Stadler15.
- Add create.mxModel()
metaSEM 1.2.0 (2018-10-18)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add .onLoad()
- Add osmasem() and its related functions.
- Add an argument type=c("tssem", "osmasem") in
- Add datasets Gnambs18 and vanderPol17.
metaSEM 1.1.0 (2018-05-09)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add checkRAM().
- Add list.output argument in smdMTS() and smdMES().
- Add dataset Gleser94.
- Add dataset Scalco17.
- Modify plotting methods for lavaan models and wls objects.
- Fix a bug in list2matrix() for 2x2 matrices when the diag=FALSE.
- Fix a minor bug in asyCov() with acov="weighted" or "unweighted" when the cor.analysis=TRUE with covariance matrices as the input.
metaSEM 1.0.0 (2018-01-13)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add lavaan in import.
- Change the defaults of tssem1():
From method="FEM" to method="REM",
From RE.type="Symm" to RE.type="Diag", and
From acov="individual" to acov="weighted."
- Add tssemParaVar() to estimate heterogeneity of parameter estimates in tssem approach.
- Add basic tests.
- Add fixed.x=FALSE automatically in uniR2lavaan().
- Fix coef.wls() so that it always follows the order of the parameter estimates in vcov.wls()
- Rename bootMASEM functions to bootuniR functions.
- Change the variable names in the output of asyCov().
metaSEM 0.9.16 (2017-09-29)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add bootMASEM functions.
- Rename the argument my.df to Cov in the tssem1 family.
- Rename the argument my.df to Cor in uniR1().
- Rename the argument asyCov to aCov in the wls() and tssem2().
- Rename the argument check.asyCov to check.aCov in is.pd().
- Revise meta2semPlot() so that it generates nicer variable labels.
- Change the variable names in Becker94 so that they work better with lavaan2RAM().
- Revise lavaan2RAM() to work with mean structure.
- Revise as.mxMatrix() to work with definition variables.
metaSEM 0.9.14 (2017-05-18)
- Release to CRAN.
- Fix a minor bug reported by GerardCY in meta() when lm() fails to get the starting values for coef.constraints.
- Add rCor(), rCorPop(), rCorSam(), summary.CorPop(), and print.summary.CorPop.
- Fix a minor bug reported by John Ma when there are more than 120 variables in tssem1FEM().
- Revise the formula in calculating the standard error in uniR1() by using the second improved approximation of Schmidt and Hunter (2015, p. 101)
- Add smdMTS() and smdMES() to calculate standardized mean differences for multiple treatment studies and for multiple end-point studies.
metaSEM 0.9.12 (2017-01-23)
- Release to CRAN.
- Explicitly state "SLSQP" as the optimizer in metaSEM as "CSOLNP" is the default optimizer in OpenMx 2.7.4.
- Revise and rename impliedSigma() to impliedR().
- Fix a bug in uniR2mx() that does not work for models with latent variables.
- Add dataset Cooke16.
- Change solve() to chol2inv(chol()) and ginv() for matrix inversion.
- Add dataset Boer16.
- Add uniR1(), uniR2mx(), and uniR2lavaan().
- Modify a variable name in Becker09.
- Minor changes on how errors are handled in the main functions.
- Add datasets Nohe15A1 and Nohe15A2
- Modify some variable names in Hunter83
metaSEM 0.9.10 (2016-08-18)
- Release to CRAN.
- Add impliedSigma() to calculate the model implied correlation or covariance matrix based on the RAM model
- Add VarCorr() to extract variance component matrix for the class meta objects.
- Fix a minor bug in summary.tssem1FEM that throws an error when tT is NA.
- Add a check on the lengths of df and n in tssem1FEM() and tssem1REM().
- Change mxFitFunctionAlgebra() to mxFitFunctionMultigroup() in tssem1FEM().
- Fix a minor bug in lavaan2RAM() that does not honor the argument.
- Modify the vignette and added examples.
- Change the definition of is.pd() from Matrix::nearPD to MASS::mvrnorm().
metaSEM 0.9.8 (2016-04-19)
- Release to CRAN
- Return NA rather than error in calculating 95% CI of RMSEA when there are errors in summary.wls().
- Fix a minor bug in meta() that does not give a starting value on the last preditcor with intercept.constraints=0
- Add lavaan2RAM() to convert lavaan models to RAM models
- Add RMSEA 95% CI for wls and tssem1FEM classes
metaSEM 0.9.6 (2015-10-31)
- Release to CRAN
- Add several packages in NAMESPACE to satisfy R developmental version's (3.3.0) requirements
- Add ellipse package in imports
- Fix a bug reported by S.-F. Cheung in rerun() for tssem1FEM objects
- Add acov argument in asyCov() and tssem1()
- Modify wls(diag.constraints=FALSE) so that "mediators" are properly handled
- Add datasets Norton13 and Roorda11
- Change default in tssem1REM(), tssem1FEM() and wls() to avoid potential error code with OpenMx 2.2.6
- Add RE.constraints argument and "User" option in RE.type argument in tssem1() and tssem1REM()
metaSEM 0.9.4 (2015-06-08)
- Modify to fit the CRAN policies
- Remove deltaMethod()
- Revert the RE.lbound from NA to 1e10 in meta() and meta3()
- Change the default "Optimality tolerance" to "6.3e-14" in OpenMx
- Change the default "Gradient iterations" to "2" in OpenMx
- Change the default arguments in rerun()
metaSEM 0.9.3-2
- Change the RE.lbound from 1e10 to NA in meta() and meta3()
- Add trunction (0 and 1) in calculating R2 in summary.meta()
- Change the default optimizer from "NPSOL" to "SLSQP" (default in OpenMx)
- Change the default "Gradient algorithm" to "central" in OpenMx
- Add metaSEM.Rnw in vignettes
metaSEM 0.9.3-1
- Correct a typo in the example of Aloe14 (reported by Fred Li)
- Modify to fit R-3.2.0
metaSEM 0.9-2
- Add dataset Cheung00
- Add check.asyCov and cor.analysis arguments in is.pd()
metaSEM 0.9-1
- Add citation in "Frontiers in Psychology"
- Release after the official release of OpenMx 2.0
- Remove dataset Craft03 which is duplicated of Becker09
metaSEM 0.9-0
- Add semPlot package in Suggests and meta2semPlot() to convert wls objects to semPlotModel objects
- Fix a bug in tssem1REM() that may throw away correlation coefficients when there are missing correlations (not missing variables)
- Add byrow argument in vec2symMat()
- Add datasets Aloe14 and Becker09
- Remove ellipse package in the dependence
- Add silent=TRUE and run=TRUE arguments in most functions
- Fix the package to work in OpenMx 2.0
- Use labels rather than Amatrix and Smatrix in wls() and tssem2()
- Fix a bug in create.mxMatrix() to respect byrow=TRUE for "Symm" and "Stand" types
metaSEM 0.8-5
- Change "." to "_" in datasets Jaramillo05 and wvs94a, and indirectEffect.R
- Add pattern.n() to display the accumulative sample sizes of the matrices
- Add a function deltaMethod() to calculate approximate sampling variance or covariance matrix
- Add methods for coef.MxRAMModel and vcov.MxRAMModel
- Modify the formula to calculate SRMR in summary.tssem1FEM()
- Add xlim and ylim arguments in plot.meta()
- Add datasets wvs94b and BCG
- Rename the dataset wvs94 to wvs94a
- Revise is.pd() so that it returns NA rather than throws an error when there are NA in the input matrices
- Add byrow argument in create.mxMatrix()
- Add to display the pattern of missing data in TSSEM
- Fix a bug in asyCov() returning an error in diffferent dimensions when the input is a list of 2x2 matrices
- Fix a bug reported by Andre Plamondon that tssem1FEM() returns an error when acovS is a scalar
metaSEM 0.8-4
- Fix an issue in diag() that breaks the metaSEM in R-3.0.0
- Add Diag() that preserves the same functions as diag() prior to R-3.0.0
- Add dataset Craft03
metaSEM 0.8-2
- Finalize features for release
metaSEM 0.8-1
- Add automatic constraint on the diagonals when diag.constraints=FALSE argument in wls() for cor.analysis=TRUE. It is usually not necessary to set diag.constraints=TRUE unless there are mediators.
- Add meta3X() to handle missing covariates with FIML for 3-level meta-analysis
- Fix the issue that there are missing levels in "cluster" in meta3() (and reml3()) reported by David Stanley
- Modify meta(), reml(), meta3() and reml3() functions so that intercept.constraints, coef.constraints, RE.constraints, RE2.constraints and RE3.constraints may accept a scalar or vector as inputs
- Add mx.algebras argument in wls() and tssem2()
- Add datasets Hunter83 and Jaramillo05
- Change the default in as.mxMatrix. If 'x' is not a matrix, as.matrix(x) is applied on 'x' instead of throwing an error.
metaSEM 0.8-0
- Finalize features for release
metaSEM 0.7-1
- Remove argument RE_diag and added RE.type in tssem1() and tssem1REM()
- Remove standard error, z value and p values from summary() when intervals.type="LB"
- Add rerun() to refit models
- Rename all mx fitted objects to
- Fix a bug in .minus2LL(), tssem1FEM() and summary.tssem1FEM in calculating the df of the independence model when cor.analysis=FALSE
- Fix a bug in tssem1REM() that my.df is a list of covariance matrices when cor.analysis=TRUE
- Fix a bug in calculating acov (solve()) in asyCov(), indirectEffect, tssem1.FE()
- Add indirectEffect() to calculate the asymptotic covariance matrix of indirect and direct effects
- Add create.Fmatrix() and create.mxMatrix() to create mxMatrix objects
- Add df.adjustment argument in summary.wls()
- Rewrite wls() using RAM specification (A, S and F matrices)
- Add diag.constraints argument in wls() to constrain diagonals as 1
- Improve efficiency by removing the call on installed.packages() and summary() from OpenMx
- Fix a bug in vec2symMat() reported by Yonghao Lim
- Add meta3() and reml3() for 3-level meta-analysis
- Add datasets Becker92, Becker94, Cooper03, Mak09, issp05 and Bornmann07
- Add I2 and R2 arguments to calculate heterogeneity and explained variance in meta()
- Rewrite meta() so that the predictors are treated as design matrix rather than as variables
- Revise meta() to replace NA with 1e5 in v object
- Rename coeff.constraints argument to coef.constraints in meta()
- Add homoStat argument in summary.meta()
- Rename tssem1FE() and tssem1RE() to tssem1FEM() and tssem1REM()
metaSEM 0.7-0
- Fix a bug in meta() that does not include RE.lbound in Tau matrix when RE.lbound is a matrix
- Revise tssemFE() to handle incomplete data in the first group
- Add tssem1RE() for random-effects TSSEM
- Rename tssem1() to tssem1FE() for fixed-effects TSSEM
- Modify tssem1() to be a wrapper for tssem1FE() and tssem1RE()
- Modify tssem2() to fit both fixed- and random-effects structural models from tssem1()
- Add "cluster" argument in tssem1.FE() and some methods for it
- Add "select" argument in coef.meta() and vcov.meta()
- Fix a bug by removing the characters in matrix column when OpenMx 1.1 is used
- Fix a bug in asyCov() that uses only the first sample size
metaSEM 0.6-0
- Add a dataset WVS94
- Change dropNA argument from TRUE to FALSE in asyCov()
- Add data argument in meta() and reml()
- Fix a bug by addinng dimnames in M matrix in meta() when OpenMx 1.1 is used
- Fix a bug in summary.meta(), summary.reml() and summary.wls() when OpenMx 1.1 is used
- Add plot() method for multivariate meta-analysis
- Add the ellipse package on "Imports" in the DESCRIPTION
- Add the metafor package on "Suggests" in the DESCRIPTION
metaSEM 0.5-4
- Fix a bug in tssem1() when OpenMx 1.0.6 is used
- Fix a bug in tssem1() which ignores start.values argument
metaSEM 0.5-3
- Add argument in tssem1(), tssem2(), wls(), meta() and reml()
- Add anova() method for wls, meta and reml objects
- Add no. of studies and no. of observed statistics in reml object (Ad-hoc)
- Use Tau2 to represent variance component in both meta() and reml()
- Fix a bug in meta() that exists when no. of predictors is larger than 1
metaSEM 0.5-2
- Add name argument in as.mxMatrix()
- Add reml() to estimate variance components with REML
metaSEM 0.5-1
- Add bdiagMat() and bdiagRep() functions to create block diagonal matrix
- Fix a bug in meta() that ignored RE.lbound when RE.constraints was used
- Fix a bug in readFullMat() that converts data into data.frames rather than matrices
metaSEM 0.5-0
- Add vcov() methods for tssem1, wls objects
- Add coef() methods for tssem1, wls and meta objects
metaSEM 0.3-9
metaSEM 0.3-8
- Add suppressWarnings = TRUE in meta(), tssem1(), tssem2(), and wls()
- Add OpenMx.status[[1]] into summary method
metaSEM 0.3-7
- Add vec2symMat(), matrix2bdiag() and homoStat() functions
- Move startValues(), minus2LL() and indepwlsChisq() to hidden functions
- Update datasets on Cheung09 and Digman97
metaSEM 0.3-6
- Rename the package to "Meta-Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling"
- Add vcov() method for meta object
metaSEM 0.3-5
metaSEM 0.3-4
- Add summary.meta() for meta objects
metaSEM 0.3-3
- Add new arguments in asyCov()
- Add meta() for univariate and multivariate meta-analysis
- Add as.mxMatrix() to convert matrices to mxMatrices
metaSEM 0.3-2
- Add indepWLSChisq() to calculate the chi-square statistic for an independent model based on WLS
- Add minus2LL() to calculate the chi-square statistic for independent and saturated models based on ML
- Add summary.wls() and print.summary.wls() for wls objects
- Add summary.tssem1() and print.summary.tssem1() for tssem1 objects
metaSEM 0.3-1
- First alpha release to R-forge
- Add basic functions for TSSEM